Welcome Girard Families!

You are an integral part of the Girard College community, and we strive to keep you informed and involved in all aspects of your student’s educational experience.

Family Resources


Community Handbook

All members of the Girard College community are expected to be familiar with the Community Handbook, which is updated annually. A parent or guardian of each student must sign an acknowledgement that they have received the Handbook and agree to the policies outlined in it.

Girard College Community Handbook 2022-23


Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus is Girard College’s Student Information System, where parents and guardians can see their students’ schedules, grades, attendance, and more. Download the Parent Portal app to your phone to stay connected.

Getting Started with Infinite Campus


Student Life Newsletter

Published bi-weekly by the Office of Student Life, this newsletter contains important information regarding residential life, health and safety, upcoming events, and more.

Student Life Newsletter Archive


Magnus Health

Upload required medical documents to the Magnus Health portal.


Academic Calendar

Download or subscribe to the Academic Calendar to keep track of school holidays and special events.

Contact Us

The primary point of contact for current Girard families is the Family Engagement Coordinator, Ms. La-Tonya Williams-McLaurin. Visit her page to learn more and get in touch!

Additional department information can be found on the Contact page.