Girard College 2023 Scholar Awards Announced
Each year, the Girard College community celebrates the achievements of our scholars through a variety of individual awards. Awards are conferred from a variety of sources, including the Sundry Trusts, the Girard College Alumni Association, and the Girard College Federation of Teachers, among others.
This was also the first year the Kristopher Minners Memorial Award was distributed. This award honors Kristopher Minners a residential advisor and former student who tragically lost his life to gun violence in June 2022. This year, students who had Kris as their Residential Advisor last year were selected for embodying his enduring characteristics.
The College is happy to announce the 2023 Student Awards. Congratulations to the following students!

Anna Davies '23 is awarded the William Seibert Stewardship Award by William Seibert '48 and his daughter, Jacqueline Fessler.
Sundry Trusts Awards
George O. Frey Award: Awarded to a band member who most typifies the spirit of the College, is proficient in the instrument he/she plays, shows the greatest progress in music during the year and is respected by the other students.
- Danielle Ashley ’23
Joseph A. Campbell Prize: Presented to a student showing the greatest proficiency in keyboarding.
- Stephan Philemon ’23
John Humphreys Prize: Presented to a junior student for the best short story and essay writing.
- Autumn Allen ’24
John E. Rodgers Prize: Presented to High School students for proficiency in the life skills curriculum, including but not limited to, computer technology, video and audio technology, consumer economics, home economics and small engine repair.
- Adeshina Tejan ’25
Daniel Fink Prize: Presented to a High School and Middle School student for their superior performance in technology and related areas.
- Jah’lay Brown-Gilliam ’23
- Tyjeer Collins ’27
Sherwood Githens Prize: Presented to a High School student who has done outstanding work in public speaking.
- Ny’Asia Concepcion ’23
E. Newbold Cooper Fund: Awarded to an 8th grade student having the best combined record for the year in scholarship, deportment, citizenship, and extra-curricular activities.
- Jayden McCutcheon ‘27
Joseph G. Simcock Prize: Presented to a High School student who composes and submits the best essay on technology and industry.
- Blessadeh Chea ’25
Herman C. Horn Prize: Presented to the 10th grade student producing the best essays on subjects of their choice.
- Aliayah Blount ’25
Thomas B.K. Ringe Prize: Presented to the senior having the highest scholastic standing and an 8th grade student judged as having the best record for outstanding scholarship and all-around achievement.
- Janai Wright ’23 and Tyel Matlock ’23 – co-valedictorians in 2023
- Shuaib Conteh ’27
Louis B. Wagner Fund: Presented to the senior having the highest scholastic standing.
- Janai Wright ’23 and Tyel Matlock ’23 – co-valedictorians in 2023

Brode Faison '28 and Davine H. '32 are awarded the Inaugural Kristopher Minners Memorial Awards.
Core Values & Other Girard College Awards
Continuing a tradition started last year, a student from each grade was selected by faculty and staff for exemplifying the Core Values of Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Courage, and Compassion.
- Isata George ’23 and Stephan Philemon ‘23
- Nylah Rankine ’24
- Jordan Hall ’25
- Malachi Rose ’26
- Cole Mangum ’27
- Brandon Outlaw ’28
- Layla Lee ’29
- Zahim T. ’30
- Morgan B. ’31
- Joy B. ’32
- Wendell H. ’33
- Torah L. ’34
Kristopher Minners Memorial Award: Honors Kristopher Minners, a residential Advisor and former student. Kristopher’s students loved him, and he was proud to be working at Girard. As a former student, he understood and modeled the Core Values. To keep his memory alive this award is presented to Girard students who embody his enduring characteristics of kindness, compassion, and empathy.
- Brode Faison ’28
- Davine H. ’32
William Seibert Stewardship Award: Presented to a graduating 12th grade student who has shown a passion to serve others for the betterment of Girard College, their fellow students and community. Named in honor of a Girard alumnus of the class of January 1948. This year’s recipient has been at Girard since the first grade, served as Student Council President this past year, is a member of the National Honor Society and will be attending Southern University.
- Anna Davies ’23
Class of 1968 Community Enrichment Award (in Memory of Richard Marker): Awarded to a Girard Student, selected by RAs with recommendations from any faculty member, who through an act, an undertaking, a project, or an initiative, demonstrates courage, kindness, and civil decency.
- Ja’Lisa Kpahn ’24
Marie Hicks Award: Awarded to a deserving student for their leadership by example, commitment to courage, achieving victory over adversity by walking in the footsteps of Mrs. Hicks.
- Surayah Smallwood ’24
Charles W. Hicks ’74 STEAM Prize: Presented to high school students who demonstrate an interest in and desire to pursue a career in any of the STEAM fields.
- Hadas Ali ‘24
- Antoine Seals ‘24
- Tommy Nguyen ‘25
Charles W. Hicks ’74 Space Camp Prize: Presented to high school students who demonstrate an interest in attending Space Camp at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
- Hadas Ali ‘24
- Antoine Seals ‘24
James M. Hamilton Award: Awarded to the student whose character most typifies the spirit of Girard College.
- Jaequan Gillis ’23
Class of 1974 Award: Awarded to a graduating senior selected by the head of the High School.
- Isata George ’23
Excellence in Spanish Award: Awarded to the student most proficient in Spanish.
- Isata George ’23
Girard College Alumni Association Awards
Alumni High School Mathematics Prize: Presented to a 10th, 11th or 12th grade student showing the greatest proficiency in mathematics.
- Brasen Avent ’24
Alumni Science Award: Awarded to a high school student showing the greatest proficiency in science.
- Tyel Matlock ’23
Charles L. Maillardet ’22 Memorial Prize: Presented to the high school student who has shown the greatest proficiency in art.
- Danielle Ashley ’23
John McMahon Mathematics Prize: Presented to the 9th grade student who has shown the greatest proficiency in mathematics.
- Maria Bedford ’26
J.S.F. Ruthrauff Memorial French Prize: Presented to the high school student(s) showing the greatest proficiency in French.
- Carter Fleury ’23
- Cameron Scott ’23
Raymond Welsh Band and Orchestra Award: Presented to a student showing the greatest proficiency on a musical instrument.
- Danielle Ashley ’23
Class of 1957 Award: Awarded by the Class of 1957 to a graduating senior who is regarded as a solid, dependable member of the Girard Community. They exhibit qualities indicating they will continue to do so for the community at large, consistent with the vision of Stephen Girard.
- Curtis Goines ’23
William F. Geibel ’21 Memorial Award: Awarded to the president of the student body in recognition of his/her loyalty, unselfish service, devotion to duty, and exemplary leadership.
- Anna Davies ’23
Joseph Glasser Award: Awarded to one High School and one Middle School student who have maintained average scholastic standing and made a positive contribution to Girard College.
- Stephan Philemon ’23
- Maleek Coker ’27
Henry Niwinski June ’40 Award: Awarded by the class of June 1940 to a junior selected by a special committee of staff and students for outstanding leadership, service, scholarship, and character.
- Zion Bennett ’24
Charles R. Merkel ’52 Award: Awarded to the 7th or 8th grade student who has shown the greatest improvement in all aspects of his/her life at Girard College.
- Raymond Wright ’26
Alumni Athlete-Scholar: Awarded annually to two outstanding athletes with the highest scholastic average.
- Janai Wright ’23
- Azia Lucas ’24
American Legion Medal: Awarded by the Stephen Girard American Legion Post, No. 320, to a 9th grade student attaining the best combined record in scholarship, athletics, and citizenship.
- Amadu Mansaray ’26
Edward Henry Good Sportsmanship Award: Awarded by the class of 1940 to one High School and one Middle School athlete who shall exhibit, in the most outstanding fashion, the qualities of good sportsmanship both on the athletic field and in his/her daily life.
- Jordan Hall ’25
- Perry Logan ’27
Kenneth A. Hollenshead Award: Awarded to a graduating senior who held a 3.0 GPA, is going to college, and is an outstanding athlete.
- Arianna Ar-Raheem ’23
The Union League Legacy Foundation Scholarships
The Union League Legacy Foundation Scholarships promote the heritage and spirit of The Union League of Philadelphia. The Foundation scholarships provide Girard College seniors with funding for postsecondary educational expenses and give students the opportunity to interact with members of the League community.
Bruce Petrazelli Class of 1957 Award: Awarded to graduating seniors who are regarded as solid, dependable members of the Girard Community. Students present to a committee of select Union League Members their clear understanding of Stephen Girard and Girard College history, along with the lasting impact Girard College has made on their lives.
- Jah’lay Brown-Gilliam ‘23
- Curtis Goines ’23
- Imir Peoples ‘23
- Janai Wright ‘23
Girard College Federation of Teachers Awards
Josephine Kipping Book Scholarship Award: Awarded by the Girard College Federation of Teachers to a deserving senior who will be attending college.
- Brigitte Zigglih ’23
Dan Ezzio Award: Awarded by the Girard College Federation of Teachers to a 6th, 7th or 8th grade student who shows great compassion to fellow classmates and other members of the Girard community.
- Cole Mangum ’27
John C. Lestino Award: Awarded by the Girard College Federation of Teachers to a 6th, 7th or 8th grade student exhibiting a positive attitude in his/her daily school life.
- Mazeir Brennan ’28
Katrin Schultz Award: Awarded by the Girard College Federation of Teachers to a 6th grade student who best exemplifies good human relations in his/her school.
- Layla Lee ’29
William Stein Memorial Award: Awarded by the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers to a student who best embodies the character, morality, and integrity of William Stein.
- Jade Moore-Green ’27
William Gallagher Legacy Award: Awarded to a high school senior that has attended Girard since first grade and encompasses the following: compassion, leadership, respect of his/her peers and the faculty, humble and is consistently an all-around good person.
- Danielle James ’23
Athletic Awards
Richard C. Anderson Fund: Awarded to a senior athlete graduating with the best academic record in his/her senior year.
- Janai Wright ’23
Teamsters Award
Teamsters 628 Award: Awarded by the 628 teamsters to a deserving senior.
- Lamin Mansaray ’23